In this post, I want to look at how to embrace aging, as it is going to happen to all of us, whether we like it or not. Becoming older does not mean life has come to a standstill. even …
Is Self-Care Selfish?
Is self-care selfish? There is actually a fine line between self care and selfishness, but one should never feel guilty for taking time to do some self care, as it makes you more equipped to care for those around you. …
The Benefits Of Turning 50
Some people dread turning 50, but rather than look at it in a negative way, let’s look at the plus side – the benefits of turning 50. After all, age is just a number and we know the secrets of …
5 Stages Of The Aging Process
According to the Mayo Clinic, there are multiple stages of the aging process and, unfortunately, the signs become more and more noticeable as the years’ progress. Aside from the obvious physical signs of aging, there are also many changes on …
The Benefits Of Stretching Exercises
Let’s look at the benefits of stretching exercises, especially as you get older. Being flexible into old age is a great help for daily life. Stretching isn’t just for when you exercise. Taking a few stretch breaks throughout the day …
How To Feel Great Every Day
Do you want to know how to feel great every day? Well try these easy exercises throughout your day and feel the difference these small and easy hacks can make to the way that you feel. Here are a day’s …
Brain Boosters For A Stronger Brain Into Old Age
We all know how important it is to look after our brains, especially as we age. Here are some different types of brain boosters you can add to your daily life to decrease the chances of getting Alzheimer’s or Dementia. …
The Benefits Of Reverse Aging For You
What Reverse Aging Can Mean For You This article will take a look at all those aspects of aging that can actually be prevented if you become successful in Reverse Aging. That means looking at the many conditions that are …
How To Make Your Hair Look Good, No Matter How Old You Are
Most of us have lived through both good and bad cuts, strange hair experiments, and products all in the quest for perfect hair. Let’s look at how to make your hair look good and also how to update your hair …
10 Tips To Keep Your Brain Healthy
We all know about cognitive decline as we age, but there are things that you can do to help keep your brain in optimal condition. To keep your brain healthy, you just need to focus on doing something each day …