how to start your day with a smile

How To Start Your Day With A Smile

Here is how to start your day with a smile. It is simply a case of asking yourself seven important questions that can create a life of happiness for you.

how to start your day with a smile

7 Good Morning Questions That Create Happiness

Voltaire says, “Judge someone by their questions, rather than by their answers.”

In other words, the right kind of questions are those that expand your thinking. They make you reflect on how to be better and do better. They can also help determine the quality of your day.

A good question can be especially helpful in the morning when you’re trying to get ready for work or school.

So, why not try to add some liveliness and vigor to your mornings with a few motivational questions?

Starting your day out with purpose and a sense of gratitude has been proven to be one of the most effective ways to live a happy, fulfilling life as well as start your day off with a smile.

Asking the right questions in the morning has the power to put you in a good mood for the whole day. As a result, having a positive mindset allows you to focus more, retain more information, and get more done.

Here are seven good morning questions to create happiness and start your day with focus and energy. Try them out and see which ones work best for you.

How To Start Your Day With A Smile

Question One:

What is the most important thing I can do today for my well-being?

There’s a reason why they tell you to put on your oxygen mask first. If you don’t take care of yourself, you won’t be able to take care of others. So, take the time to figure out what you can do to serve your well-being.

Remember, every day is a new chance to change and improve the life you’re living. Work hard to reach your goals and achieve the things you believe in. Take small steps, and before you know it, you’ll get closer and closer to your goals.

Question Two:

What am I grateful for?

Socrates said, “Contentment is natural wealth, luxury is artificial poverty.”

Don’t waste your life fixating on what you don’t have rather than what you already have. If you do, you’ll never have enough.

The best thing you can do is appreciate the goodness that’s already yours, and you’ll have plenty to be grateful for. When you appreciate the people and things in your life, you’ll discover that you have a lot to live for.

Question Three:

What am I excited about accomplishing today?

Visualize your schedule for the day, starting from when you walk out of the door, reach your workplace, and then come back home. What tasks do you need to accomplish? Do you have any deadlines for today? Meetings?

Try to picture everything in detail but put more focus on the positive aspects of your day. By giving yourself something to look forward to, you’ll be better equipped to handle the complex or tedious tasks of the day.

Question Four:

How can I encourage myself, and others today?

To accomplish anything meaningful in life, you need to dream big and believe in those dreams. The more you believe, the farther you’ll get.

Yet, sometimes, we need a small push to get us going. This is when spreading around some reassuring words of encouragement and motivation.

Be courageous in your thinking, yet also maintain your sense of optimism and cheerfulness. In other words, have your head in the clouds and your feet firmly planted in the ground.

Don’t forget to spread your eagerness and zeal to everyone around you.

Question Five:

How can I show my love to those I care about?

how to start your day with a smile

Relationships with friends, family, and life partners only work when the two sides decide to make a conscious effort to put in the work. They can be small acts of love and appreciation, just to tell one another that you’re there and that you care.

But these small acts go a long way in, especially when they come from the heart because it’s not so much what you do as it is how you do it. So, understand what matters most to those you care about. Then, spend a few minutes showing them in their love language.

Question Six:

Can I take a break?

This question can be taken to mean two things: Can I take a break for the entire day? Or can I take a break during the day?

If you find that you keep asking yourself the first question every morning, it could be your body’s way of telling you you need to schedule time for yourself. Try to set aside no less than 15 minutes each day for some self-care.

On the other hand, if you’re asking yourself ‘Can I take a break during the day?’ that alone can unlock those feel-good hormones and happy emotions.

Even if your schedule is packed for the day, knowing that you have a break coming up will give you something to look forward to.

Question Seven:

What would I like to remember about today?

Every day is special because it’s a chance to live your truth and take action toward meaningful goals. Yet, many times we take our days for granted without embracing the gift we’re giving with each sunrise.

So, ask yourself this: what can you do today that’s worth remembering?

So there it is in a nutshell, how to start your day with a smile.


  1. Hi Michel,

    Your post is a delightful read. Its positive approach to beginning the day, and the practical tips provided by you are very helpful daily routines. I think whoever can implement these advices will definitely benefit from them.
    Your suggestion to take a moment to appreciate the small things is a very good recommendation that I personally implement and see the positive outcomes.
    Your point about smiling, even if it’s just a forced one, potentially leads to happiness. I will reevaluate my morning routine to have more joy and mindfulness. Thank you for sharing such practical advice. 

  2. Hi, this is a very important topic that everyone should give serious thought about every day. It’s like you said , focus on what you can be grateful for and what action you can take to improve yourself and your life situation. What you do today can improve all your tomorrows. So focus on that, good luck out there. 

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